We're going to get this going again, with a little bit of the old and a little bit of the new. Kind of like everything in life, right. Lots of things change and lots of things stay the same and you're never quite sure which ones are going where. My first idea of how to get my blog going again was to write about why I live in this magical city when 2011 has brought us a total of 4 sunny days (that would be a .03%, folks. Just in case you're denial of how frosty this year has been). A tried and true topic, but everyone's perspective is different. We're all mostly Seattle at heart, with a little bit of another city mixed in there too.

However, today I was struck by an experience. I don't have a lot to do at work right now, so I spend a greater-than-normal amount of time on the internet. Of course the day starts with the standards Gmail and Facebook (it takes about 4 weeks for withdrawals to subside, that was one thing I learned in China). Today I was also interested in how to unlock more badges on Foursquare. On Mother's Day, my family teased me about so voluntarily giving up my privacy...but on top of a full-time job, an online psychology class, and as much yoga and gym as my body can handle, I still have free time somehow. So Foursquare here I am. And I've always been the type of person who believes if you're going to do it, do it right. So badges, dammit, how do I get you! Ok after I read up on that I went to read Facebook. THREE of my college friends are newly engaged, all announced on the same day (although I fully expect a lot of my friends to be looking at engagement photos instead of reading my blog). Meanwhile I wanted to know what I had to do to unlock the Swimmies badge on Foursquare. Let me tell you, I have never felt more important or significant in my life. I will forever remember the moment I get that Swimmies badge. There will be champagne, and friends, and kisses, and cheering. No, no there won't.
But you know what, although I felt like a boring bump on a log today, it really brought to light how lucky I am that the biggest worry of mine this morning was the silly Foursquare badge. Sheesh, if that's all I have on my mind, things can't be half bad! Foursquare may be silly, but I chose to be interested in it. I could have decided to focus on any number of "more important" things. I could have made a personal budget. I could have been reading the New York Times. I could have been organizing a charity. Sometimes I prefer to act my age.
FTR: I have noticed that when I'm having the most fun I forget to use Foursquare. Ironic, no?
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