A while ago I applied for summer program that takes students to New Mexico and Ensenada to study border epidemiology. I didn't get accepted, and was pretty bummed.
In conversation with the woman to whom I turned in my application, I casually mentioned something about my bachelor's degree, something that happens to be uncommon for my workplace. She knew of a group here at my work where that thing is particularly relevant and sought-after, and has now introduced me to some people there. Now when I am in need of a job. Although I have nothing concrete, it is certainly a hopeful situation. This hopeful situation would never have arisen if I had not applied to the earlier program for which I was rejected. As disappointing as it was, now I see it as nothing but an enormous gift! It is such a good reminder for me to always remember to take things in strides, and wait out situations. You never know what will turn around into your favor (and vice versa... wink).
For icing on the cake, I brought this woman a small thank you gift this morning, and she was thrilled. She also told me what lovely things my hopeful future employers were saying about me.
None of this would ever have happened if I had not worked hard for something and been let down.
So are you going to be this -
or this -
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