Alright, I'm back on the train. Life has settled down a bit - not necessarily a good thing, but in this case I am ever so grateful. The China Situation has given me the perspective to be able to recognize and appreciate how many respectful, stable situations I have worked my way into. Even better, it presents the challenge of continuing to search out and recognize all the lessons life can teach me. Like taking a Farmer's Market and flea market aficionado to the Fremont Market for the first time. I've never spent so much time there.
Of course all of the photographers were interesting, along with the people selling handicrafts from other countries, and the start-up bakers. However, the most fascinating bit to this social community event, was the man playing guitar, and harmonica, singing when he wasn't harmonica-ing. Each of his feet was tied to a string, connected to a drum on his back, so the rhythm of his dancing dictated the rhythm of his music. I will say, with no sarcasm whatsoever, that I aspire to be as talented and dedicated as this musician who even forgot a water bottle. He put together several skills that require years to learn to create this manifesto. Not to mention he was unpretentious enough to accept offers of used water bottles from strangers. If there is a man who can build a community, it is this senor, citizen of the center of the universe.